Monthly Archives: June 2021

How did COVID push us to improve online education?

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to defy the global educational system. One of the least expected challenges has to do with virtual education and its massification during the pandemic. This is a reality for which a large part of the educational community was unprepared, but it has had to face it as it went along.

Virtual distance education requires a higher level of organization, planning, interaction, and sustained support to all those involved. They are the ones who must understand the whole scenario that involves remote teaching and learning, including the student, their family, the educational staff, and society.

Challenges of virtual education

According to the Executive Director of UNICEF, Henrietta Fore, approximately 24 million kids will probably desert their studies because of COVID. This is due to the lack of digital resources available to the world’s population. The COVID-19 crisis revealed a tangible reality: not all households have an Internet connection for virtual education. It also revealed that not all families have the acquisitive power to buy the necessary equipment to connect to the online academic world.

Online education has been a privilege that is gradually becoming a right. Considering we are currently in a digital era; it is crucial to have these tools to generate better opportunities and seek equity. These opportunities have always been just a click away, however, they have recently been enhanced thanks to the abrupt digital awakening brought by the pandemic.

In order to face these unfortunate circumstances generated by inequality, what can educators and students do? Here are some of the challenges presented by online learning:

  • Knowing the student’s reality
  • To answer how to improve and facilitate online learning, it is essential to share the knowledge on technological solutions and the conditions required for their application. Consequently, we need to recognize each individual’s study conditions to develop activities that fit their needs and possibilities.

    In this aspect, it is also essential to know what the student requires and how the previously taught knowledge can be conveyed to them. This is a complex task since the circumstances of each student are different.

  • Virtual education: taking advantage of digital tools
  • One of the main challenges of virtual education is the appropriation and use of technological tools and methodologies designed for digital environments. Modern society demands the mastery of multiple platforms and channels to ensure adequate teaching. Institutions and students are responsible for continuously updating and developing technological skills that facilitate the educational process. An example of this is social networks that can provide a closer narrative, such as TikTok.

    A broad perspective of reality is required to prevent holding back or slowing down virtual education, allowing for adaptation and, therefore, continuing to bet on educational excellence. Being open to change is essential when it comes to working online. Thanks to the Internet, we have a wide range of applications, tools, and formats to diversify our work and make it more practical. Therefore, opening your mind to new study methods and tools is essential for success.

  • Always keep in touch with each other
  • Another challenge of virtual education is to communicate adequately with all the figures involved in the educational process. Inefficient communication can lead to parents, teachers or management staff not being aligned about the educational method used and what is necessary for it to work. In children and teenagers, parents have become first-hand witnesses of the educational process at home. It is essential to take advantage of their closeness to innovate together.

    Virtuality takes away an essential part of communication: body language. This allows us to identify the tone and context of interactions, so it is essential to learn to communicate clearly and efficiently through text. Being concise is very important, but let’s not forget that we can’t leave out elements of our dialogue that might lead to misunderstandings.

How to improve virtual education?

There is not a rule that can accurately answer this question. However, some essential elements can be looked at when improving the quality of virtual education.

Educating on Technology

All participants of the educational process must develop skills related to technology. Both teachers and students should explore different digital tools to make the most of online education and facilitate understanding topics taught in class.

The methodology of virtual teaching must be different from the traditional one since digital media offer us the possibility of creating more “complex” work in less time. Expanding your knowledge of digital applications will make school life much more enjoyable and you will obtain outstanding results.

Create collaborative virtual environments

Improving virtual education also involves assigning the student a leading role in the development of their education. From there, they can hold an open dialogue with classmates and teachers, reflecting on their reality in order to generate a good change in their academic performance.

There is no shame in asking for help. In fact, creating social connections through education will help you become a more well-rounded and upright professional. In addition, generating a network of contacts will lead to new lessons for you, whether it is in topics related to your studies or in online learning strategies and methodologies.

Using alternative learning strategies

Games have always represented a form of motivation for children. They allow the student to be attentive and to approach knowledge from a playful aspect. The virtual environment favors gamification since several free tools facilitate the creation of games such as word search, crossword puzzles and trivia. Virtual education requires training and the development and improvement of didactics, leadership, research and educational innovation.